Good handling of venison means proper field dressing of the animal, keeping it cool and dry, and getting it processed and properly frozen as quickly as possible, because, as the saying goes, “you can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear”, and you certainly can’t make great meals from venison that was poorly handled before it ever got to the cook and the cookstove. To Heck With Gravy is the response a friend made long ago to his mother when he complained about the over-fried venison steak and she said, “..but it makes good gravy”.
More than 200 proven recipes – appetizers, birds, fish, small game, big game (venison, other game, soups and stews), sauces and marinades, complementary foods. Fast, easy recipes for hard-working cooks who don’t have a lot of time for the kitchen.
Detailed material on proper handling and storage of wild game meat (or any meat, for that matter), plus extensive storage and preparation tips (wrapping and freezing advice), microwave and slow cooking tips, low-sodium diet tips, and more.
Glenn Helgeland –
“Good recipes … good stories … and most ingredients on hand makes this a staple resource in the kitchen of hunters. Plus the tips in preparation and handling are a real bonus. To Heck With Gravy and The Wild Pantry both are kept handy in my pantry.”
Carol Kindred, Whitehall, WI