Who we are…
TARGET COMMUNICATIONS is the creation of husband-and-wife team Glenn and Judy Helgeland. Glenn is from a hunting family and has hunted all his life. Judy is the friendly voice on the phone who will take and process your book and DVD orders.

• Glenn and Judy Helgeland
Several years ago, they began publishing tightly-focused outdoor books and wild game cookbooks – the “On Target” series – as a labor or love and because they saw the need for such books on several topics within archery, bowhunting, deer/bear hunting, wild game handling and cooking, and other outdoor topics.
They both enjoy design and publishing work, so it was a good way to work together for a common goal on the outdoor topics they enjoy and are a significant part of their life.
What we have for you…
Great reading and tons of information in easy-reading style, all well-illustrated. Even a little humor here and there.
All authors are recognized experts in their specific interests. You can take to the bank, so to speak, what they say in the pages of their books. An early reader of UNDERSTANDING WINNING ARCHERY told us that, after reading the book and thinking a bit on the advice given, he raised his indoor target league average 20 points “without changing a thing on my equipment or set-up. It was all in my head,” he said.
For the wild game cookbook (THE WILD PANTRY) we collected more than 200 proven recipes from hunters like you, added several of our own recipes, and included interesting recipe chapters on making sausage, Mexican & Italian, marinades & salsas and “diet for deer hunters”.
Plus enjoyable short articles on a variety of wild game meals in deer camp and at home.
Book Topics & Titles
Archery Gear Tuning & Shooting
- Become The Arrow (NEW 2nd Edition)
- Core Archery
- Tuning Your Compound Bow
- Understanding Winning Archery
- Taking Trophy Whitetails (NEW E-Book)
- The Bear Hunting Obsession Of A Driven Man
- Lessons Learned From the Magnificent Bird (Wild Turkeys)
- Calling Whitetails: Methods, Myths And Magic