Defining Back Tension … From The Book CORE ARCHERY, by Larry Wise
How to develop a repeatable, consistent archery shooting form that takes the strain off your muscles and puts it on your bones, where it belongs.
Core Archery is a complete shooting system that is COMPLETE and REPEATABLE, unlike others.
Repeatable form for bowhunting greatly increases your chances of success.
Draw Weight Adjustment & Setting The Nocking Point
Draw weight adjustments and setting your nocking point becomes a lot easier when you have expert tips to guide you.
Making Tiller Adjustments on Today’s Compound Bows is an Easy Task…
Changing the tiller measurement is not necessary in order to tune the two-wheel compound bow, but it can be effective to a small degree in tuning a four-wheel compound bow.
Installing a Bow Sight Seems to be a Simple Task…
Installing a bow sight seems to be a simple task, but if not done carefully it can cause many problems. To avoid these problems, follow a few simple rules.
Measuring Your Draw Length … Do It Right
The most important decision, by far, is what draw length you need to buy when looking at a new bow. Without the proper knowledge and some expert advice, the novice -- and even some experienced [...]
Arrow Rest Selection for a Compound Bow — ‘Shoot Through’ or ‘Shoot Around’?
The deciding factor for any equipment you use will be the groups you shoot.
Pretest for Tuning Your Compound Bow
The following list of questions is designed to help you find areas of weakness and areas of strength in your knowledge of tuning compound bows.
The All-Important Bow Arm Unit
(this article is excerpted from UNDERSTANDING WINNING ARCHERY, by Olympic Archery Coach Al Henderson) What one thing in shooting style or method, what one phase of the shooting form, is the most [...]