It was a gray, somewhat depressing day when we posted these photos. We all needed a lift of the spirit. Flowers always help, especially when they are daffodils and purple cone flowers, two of [...]
Properly followed, these few steps will insure that your beef is mistaken for venison by even the most avid sportsman. Everyone will marvel at the amount of venison you have and how good it [...]
As the editor, way back when, of ARCHERY WORLD magazine (now BOWHUNTING WORLD), I was fortunate to have press credentials for the archery part of the 1972 Olympics in Munich and the 1976 Olympics [...]
The fog lay low and the water steamed as it will do on a cool spring morning. Later, as the sun burned the fog away, we could shed our flannel shirts. At present, we were too busy catching bream [...]
This robust gobbler with a good beard showed up on our house deck about 8:00 am today and began pecking on the sunroom door’s window with a methodical and emphatic punk...punk...punk.
A COUGAR or COUGARS killed a yearling whitetail buck the night of February 28, 2016, about 80 yards west of my brother’s house in western Montana. His dog, Molly, found the stash late the next [...]
Among the Wisconsin outdoorsmen who have made valued and lasting contributions to the hobby, sport and business of archery and bowhunting in Wisconsin, Glenn Helgeland stands out as a notable [...]