By Glenn Helgeland In Black Bear Hunting, BlogPosted September 28, 2020Letter From Bear Book FanHere is my story, and I'm sticking to it. I am a 57-year-old hunter from Milwaukee. I mostly hunt deer, by bow, crossbow, rifle and muzzleloader. READ MORE
By Glenn Helgeland In Blog, Deer HuntingPosted September 21, 2020Whitetail Hunting — Improving Your OddsTo gain the necessary knowledge, you have to take animals. READ MORE
By Glenn Helgeland In Black Bear Hunting, BlogPosted September 10, 2020Rotten Fish SpilledOdorous, in the extreme, and not a good idea READ MORE
By Glenn Helgeland In Archery, Blog, ShootingPosted September 2, 2020Defining Back Tension … From The Book CORE ARCHERY, by Larry WiseHow to develop a repeatable, consistent archery shooting form that takes the strain off your muscles and puts it on your bones, where it belongs. READ MORE